Remodeling Northwest Indiana for over 65 years!

Lead-Safe Certified

Lead-Safe Certified

Lead-Safe Certified Firm NAT-35529-1Did you know?

If your house was built before 1978...

  1. your home may contain lead-based paint?
  2. and must be tested for the presence of lead before any area of 6 square feet or more of the interior, or 20 square feet or more of the exterior, is disturbed?

Did you know...

  • that any contractor that disturbs lead-based paint must be Certified by the EPA as a "Lead-Safe Certified Firm" ?
  • that Fred C. Doppler & Sons Inc. is certified?!

Up until 1978, lead-based paints were still used in the U.S. They were banned after the health hazards of lead became clear. Breathing in or swallowing lead can cause serious health problems for children and adults. Disturbing this paint during a renovation can cause lead dust to be released into the air, subjecting you and the people in your house to potential health issues, including brain and nervous system damage, and high blood pressure.

If your house was built before 1978, be sure that any contractor who is proposing to do work in your home that could disturb painted surfaces can demonstrate to you that he’s "Lead-Safe Certified." Every contractor who is so certified will have a certificate like the one above, with their own unique number.

Fred C. Doppler and Sons, Inc. is Lead-Safe Certified

Fred C. Doppler and Sons, Inc. participated in serious training sessions, and passed the EPA test to show that we know the steps required to protect you and your family from exposure to lead contamination. If our testing demonstrates that lead is present in the paint in your house, we will take the required steps to confine the workspace, minimize the creation of lead dust, and do the proper clean-up once the job is done.

That’s a lot of work! If you get a lower bid from someone else, make sure they’re including lead-safe practices. And don’t let them tell you that all those lead control procedures aren’t necessary – remember – it’s the LAW!

Contact Us

305 N. Colfax St., Griffith, IN 46319

(219) 924.2270

Mon - Fri: 6:30 am - 3:00 pm

Servicing Northwest Indiana
for over 65 years!

Commercial & Residential Remodeling

  • Griffith
  • Schererville
  • Merrillville
  • Munster
  • Hammond
  • Whiting
  • Dyer
  • St. John
  • Highland
  • Cedar Lake

...and surrounding areas

Fred C. Doppler & Sons, Inc., Contractors  General, Griffith, IN


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